
1. Desired personal power profile
2. Power system challenge identified
3. Technology barriers to power system
4. Fundamental studies to overcome
5. Technology barriers
6. Science and engineering discovery
precision manufacturing of power components
7. Hybrid systems integration and control

Each application has a power systems challenge and associated technology barriers. The barriers dictate the fundamental studies needed, and the fundamental studies lead to designs that are realized through the precise manufacture of power system components. The components are then integrated into a personal power system. During the integration process, new demands and barriers may surface, and the cycle may repeat.
Hence, to achieve optimal power source modules,the Center encompasses three layers:
(1) fundamentals of energy release and power extraction, including fuel processing and exhaust management
(2) precision manufacturing of power components
(3) systems control and integration, including the creation of intelligent hybrid power sources.

Personal Power requires energy dense fuels, which are converted into forms which release energy. Energy release occurs via biochemical, electrochemical, or thermochemical processes, and power extraction converts the released energy into useful work. Finally, exhaust management maintains human compatibility with any thermal, chemical, or acoustic exhaust products. Physically realizing any personal power strategy in functional devices requires precision manufacturing, often with techniques beyond the state-of-the-art. The power components are then integrated into compact power sources or hybrid power systems that meet the power profile requirements. Integration takes place throughout the research and development process so that PPS performance will, through system control, integration, and optimization, match the power demand.

1. Comunications and information technology
2. Biological and robotic mobility
3. Demanding power profiles
4. Intelligent personal power
5. Demanding power profiles
6. High energy density fuel
7. Systems control and integration
8. Benign products
9. Precision, small-scale manufacturing
10. Fuel processing
11. Energy release
12. Power extraction
13. Exhaust management


Contact Personal Power Systems:
100 Engineering Gateway University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697-2625
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